
Bohemian Rhapsody in original version in Tres Cantos

Bohemian Rhapsody

On Thursday 8th November about 70 students went to watch Bohemian Rhapsody in O.V. subtitled in Spanish at Odeon Multicines in Tres Cantos
There were students from all the different levels, from Basic A2.1 to C2.1. 
Our students really enjoyed the film and the wonderful music and songs.

Si fuiste al cine ese día por favor rellena el siguiente cuestionario, tu opinión nos ayuda a mejorar

14 comentarios:

  1. The cinema from Tres Cantos must offer more O.V

  2. I wish i could have gone, seems a good film and original voiced. Congratulations for making these activities and keep going.

  3. I couldn't go but I would like to. This are excellent initiatives!

  4. I loved the film! Watching it in English was the best: Rami Malek IS Freddie Mercury. Rock it!

  5. It was a fantastic film and I enjoyed a very pleasant time with my class mates.

  6. I would like to go next time! Sounds really good!

  7. I wish I had gone. Hope everyone had a great time!

  8. Amazing film. Excellent soundtrack. I learnt a lot of details about Freddy Mercury's life. It was a very nice activity. I'll hope we can repeat it soon.

  9. It was an spectacular and moving film. That afternoon was an unforgettable moment with the class mates. Please, we must go once every term!

  10. What an interesting activity, i couldn´t attend because i have been very busy that week, i would like to attend next time

  11. What an interesting activity, i couldn´t attend because i have been very busy that week, i would like to attend next time


  12. Good idea!, I know it´s an extra effort for teachers and I appreciate it. It helps with the learning and with the group building. I won´t miss next activity. JMª Menéndez


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