Concurso "MI EOI, TU EOI" - Inglés (Código I16)
Mónica Lorza y Rocío Serrano -
Ingles Nivel Avanzado 1 Grupo C
Concurso "MI EOI, TU EOI" - Inglés (Código I15)
Miriam Sánchez, Aulas Europeas - Inglés
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Concurso "MI EOI, TU EOI"- Inglés (Código I14)
A trembling hand reaching for a doorknob
An unconfident step into a new world
Almost fifty eyes staring right at you
Yeah, I know, had that feeling too
Among tons of new words and sounds,
You barely dare to say something out loud
You may not notice it at first, it’s true
But something is flowering just inside of you
You will have to work hard on occasion
You could also have to deal with frustration
When you feel that the suitable words
Eventually, however, the effort you made
Has its reward, it is well paid.
At that moment you remember why you enrolled
Now it seems as if you were speaking fireworks
You finally understand that you’re not just learning
Words, a few rules and awkward spelling
You are learning ideas, points of view and life skills
It’s up to you: If you want to learn, you will.
A trembling hand reaching for a doorknob
Laura Berrojo Ramiro - Idioma: Inglés
Nivel: Avanzado 1 - Grupo: B
Concurso "MI EOI, TU EOI" - Inglés (Código I13)
Ana Álvaro, Fran Martín, María José de Julián y Marta Domínguez-Inglés Nivel Básico 1
Concurso "MI EOI, TU EOI", Inglés (Código I11)
Audio message from Carolina Hermano, Manuel Calero and Rebeca Aguado, Ingles Nivel Avanzado 2 Grupo B
Concurso"MI EOI,TU EOI" Inglés (Código I10)
Audio message from Alejandro Campuzano, Educardo Jiménez and Misahle Tato , Inglés Nivel Avanzado 2 , Grupo B
Concurso "MI EOI, TU EOI"- Inglés (Código I8)
Ángel Álvarez y Carmen García -
Inglés Nivel Avanzado 1 , Grupo C
Back to school – Lyrics
Hey,yo! what's up?
Hey, how is it going? do you want to go out next Thursday?
I can't, on Thursday I'm taking classes
Classes on what?
I'm improving my English
Ah, sounds interesting! And what are you doing to improve it?
are you going to a private academy? a private teacher maybe?
No, none of those ... I'm going .. I'm going ...
Back, back ... back to school
you can also enter the classes, they are not full
I'd like to improve my English but maybe I'm too old
You're completely wrong, this is your wake-up call
Going back to classes? I don't know if that's for me
I'm afraid of being bored, maybe it's not my cup of tea
Don't be a coward, this is like Hogwarts
the magic you always wanted and you are looking forward
You will find it here, not too far it's near
the place where all your fears are going to disappear
I'm not convinced yet, there might be some possibilities
tell me more, what about the facilities?
They have many classrooms and even a library
This year it's their 10th anniversary
What are the classes like? Are dynamic and interactive?
You must participate. They want you to be active
Surrounded by students, sometimes playing games
You'll have a great time, no matter knowing their names
No one said it was easy, don't get me wrong
the path is hard and the journey is long
Learning a new language is leaving your comfort zone
It's something you can't do all on your own
You'll sound sometimes silly and "makes" many mistakes
if you persevere you'll have what it takes
I don't speak very well, I need help, mayday
Enroll to this school, go ahead, make my day
I'm looking for a title that could be official
You'll get one with your full name not only your initials
How much does it cost? that's my greatest concern
You can have two payments during the first term
You pay very little, it's quite cheap
and you will receive 5 hours a week
And where could I find a place like this?
EOITC, where else could it be?
EOITC? It doesn't ring a bell
At 1 Oregano Street, write it down well
I'm not sure yet, I have mixed feelings
Don't try to conceal it, the idea is appealing
Follow my advice don't think twice
the classes are great and the teachers are nice
So don't be a fool, don't be an idiot
and go back to school. That's it. Period!
Don't be a fool, don't be a fool
use your brain, follow this rule
Don't be a fool, don't be a fool
if you want to learn a language, go back to school
Don't wait, don't hesitate
before it's too late, do it my way
Yeah ... 2015 ... that's the year
I'm going to sign up right now and I'll improve my career
Concurso "MI EOI, TU EOI" - Inglés (Código I6)
There is
a very curious place
and it
is not long far away
you can find a short cut way
will lead you to win your race
If you
want to know the place I say
have to get the hidden word
in a language that you may
from the Babel Tower Lord
raised the tower and digged a trench
and built
the bridge with thousands of men
was spoken German and French
and a
bit of English now and then
But only
this man could translate
said by the rest of the world
up! or you will be late
Ask him
for the place. Find the word.
I’m sure
that he’s waiting for you
He has an
eoi center in your town
Look for
this place up and down
you’ll become a winner too.
José Manuel Noguera (Nivel Intermedio - 1 C)
Concurso "MI EOI, TU EOI" - Francés (Código F2)
Vídeo del Grupo de Nivel Intermedio 1 de Francés, Grupo B
Concurso "MI EOI, TU EOI" - Francés (Código F1)
Vídeo del Grupo de Nivel Intermedio 1 de Francés, Grupo A
Concurso "Mi EOI, TU EOI". Inglés (Código I4)
My English school
Clearly most people think that the knowledge is one of the important values that one person can achieve along his life. Consistently I have always tried to improve and to learn about the people and the things around me.
Four years ago, I took one of the best decisions in my life, when I decided to begin to study English again. During the last years I have been taking care of my family but they began to need me in another way so I decided to return to the school.
The EOI has let me meet other people that think like me and to discover other culture through the videos and readings what we watch and read in class. Also it let me discover other opinions and point of view using the study of the language for this purpose.
Currently I can write e-mail in English with other technical specialist and occasionally I can attend English presentations that help me at my job and I aware of that.
I can´t guess the future but I expect that in a few years our children speak English very well because of their bilingual schools and maybe the EOI can complete this skills with the knowledge of the culture and the way of thinking through other languages.
In my opinion, I am very lucky to study at the EOI. I think it´s a privilege and a chance that my city and my community give me and in conclusion I look forward to other people being able also enjoy to this opportunity.
Elvira García López, Nivel Avanzado 1 , Grupo A
Concurso "MI EOI, TU EOI" - Inglés (Código I2)
Reading “Don Quixote”, written by Miguel de Cervantes, has become a tradition each April 23rd since 1996 to commemorate the World Book Day.
The EOI can do the same by reading my free version, which would start this way:“In a place of Madrid, whose I am trying to remember, long time ago, specifically in 2004, an EOI, was built not only to teach languages to students (English, French and German), but also cultural activities to those students.
A knight called Don Quixote lived there and started learning languages. A pot of English on Monday, Salpicón with German on Tuesday, English duel on Wednesday, German lentils on Thursday. On Friday… he deserved a rest as well.
After class, his horse “Rocinante” was always waiting for him outside to take him home. This way, he spends week after week happy in the EOI. He is happy in the EOI because there he met Sancho Panza, and a real friendship came up between them, which will last forever, like the languages he learnt.
As you will probably have guessed, the place was Tres Cantos and the character is like me. I am very pleased to belong to this EOI. As Don Quixote, I am learning English and German and I have met interesting people here and my bike is waiting for me outside to take me home.
Beatriz García García . Nivel Intermedio 2 - Grupo B
Concurso "MI EOI, TU EOI" - Inglés (Código I1)
Gloria Martín y Rafael Garcia de Nivel Avanzado 1 de Ingles grupo B
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