A trembling hand reaching for a doorknob
An unconfident step into a new world
Almost fifty eyes staring right at you
Yeah, I know, had that feeling too
Among tons of new words and sounds,
You barely dare to say something out loud
You may not notice it at first, it’s true
But something is flowering just inside of you
You will have to work hard on occasion
You could also have to deal with frustration
When you feel that the suitable words
Eventually, however, the effort you made
Has its reward, it is well paid.
At that moment you remember why you enrolled
Now it seems as if you were speaking fireworks
You finally understand that you’re not just learning
Words, a few rules and awkward spelling
You are learning ideas, points of view and life skills
It’s up to you: If you want to learn, you will.
A trembling hand reaching for a doorknob