
Concurso "MI EOI, TU EOI"- Inglés (Código I8)

Ángel Álvarez y Carmen García - 

Inglés Nivel Avanzado 1 , Grupo C

Back to school – Lyrics

Hey,yo! what's up?
Hey, how is it going? do you want to go out next Thursday?
I can't, on Thursday I'm taking classes
Classes on what?
I'm improving my English
Ah, sounds interesting! And what are you doing to improve it?
are you going to a private academy? a private teacher maybe?
No, none of those ... I'm going .. I'm going ...

Back, back ... back to school
you can also enter the classes, they are not full

I'd like to improve my English but maybe I'm too old
You're completely wrong, this is your wake-up call

Going back to classes? I don't know if that's for me
I'm afraid of being bored, maybe it's not my cup of tea

Don't be a coward, this is like Hogwarts
the magic you always wanted and you are looking forward

You will find it here, not too far it's near
the place where all your fears are going to disappear

I'm not convinced yet, there might be some possibilities
tell me more, what about the facilities?

They have many classrooms and even a library
This year it's their 10th anniversary

What are the classes like? Are dynamic and interactive?
You must participate. They want you to be active

Surrounded by students, sometimes playing games
You'll have a great time, no matter knowing their names

No one said it was easy, don't get me wrong
the path is hard and the journey is long

Learning a new language is leaving your comfort zone
It's something you can't do all on your own

You'll sound sometimes silly and "makes" many mistakes
if you persevere you'll have what it takes

I don't speak very well, I need help, mayday
Enroll to this school, go ahead, make my day

I'm looking for a title that could be official
You'll get one with your full name not only your initials

How much does it cost? that's my greatest concern
You can have two payments during the first term

You pay very little, it's quite cheap
and you will receive 5 hours a week

And where could I find a place like this?
EOITC, where else could it be?

EOITC? It doesn't ring a bell
At  1 Oregano Street, write it down well

I'm not sure yet, I have mixed feelings
Don't try to conceal it, the idea is appealing

Follow my advice don't think twice
the classes are great and the teachers are nice

So don't be a fool, don't be an idiot
and go back to school. That's it. Period!

Don't be a fool, don't be a fool
use your brain, follow this rule
Don't be a fool, don't be a fool
if you want to learn a language, go back to school

Don't wait, don't hesitate
before it's too late, do it my way

Yeah ... 2015 ... that's the year

I'm going to sign up right now and I'll improve my career